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And as if by magic...!

There is some basic science behind the More2ME programme which appears to bring these magical results. 

All that's really happening is YOU are now accessing the more positive part of the brain by using the More2ME tools. 


So here's the explanation...

The Brain

The Lovely Left
(Or the left pre-frontal cortex)
This part of the brain is where we cope, feel happy, good and positive. However, we mostly live in the right side. The Lovely Left lives in the intellectual part of our brain.


The Ruling Right
(Or the right pre-frontal cortex) 
This is where we like to be right about everything and often loop on negative thoughts and feelings.  Most of us like to hang out here. The Ruling Right also lives in the intellectual part of our brain.

                                  The Control Tower
(or the amygdala) 


The amygdala is where our "fight or flight" reflex resides, and it reacts as though we are in danger whenever it perceives a threat. This part of the brain is very primitive and has been crucial for our survival for hundreds of thousands of years. The amygdala is located in the emotional part of our brain; it operates quickly and powerfully, but it doesn't differentiate between imagination and reality. 


For example, if you're worried about an upcoming meeting and visualize it in your head—imagining the conversation, the interactions, and the potential disaster—your brain reacts as though it is actually happening. The imagined scenario causes feelings of anxiety and worry because the amygdala interprets it as a real, negative experience, even though it’s only happening in your mind. 


This is the part of the brain we begin to learn to control more effectively, as we understand how our thoughts can influence our emotional responses.​

                               How does More2ME help?


The More2ME programme helps train the brain to engage the "Lovely Left" more frequently, while also teaching you to recognize when you fall back into old habits and revert to the "Ruling Right." Many parents experience a "lightbulb moment" when they realize how their "Control Tower" operates and who is in charge. Once you take control, you'll be able to focus on the positive and more productive aspects of life.


Our brain has plasticity, which means we have the power to change neural pathways—much like moulding play-dough. This concept has been supported by numerous studies, and we can use this knowledge to reshape our brains, fostering a more positive mindset. 

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